Michel Vounatsos, Getty Images

Stay tuned: Bio­gen’s num­bers are great — it’s their wor­ri­some fu­ture that leaves an­a­lysts skit­tish

Bio­gen came out with an up­beat as­sess­ment of their Q2 num­bers to­day, dis­count­ing the ar­rival of a key ri­val for its block­buster Spin­raza fran­chise. But the top ex­ecs re­main grim­ly de­ter­mined to not say much any­thing new about the sore points that have dragged down its stock, in­clud­ing the fu­ture of its big in­vest­ment in Alzheimer’s or how it plans to in­vest the con­sid­er­able cash that the big biotech con­tin­ues to reap.

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