Syn­cona buys gene ther­a­py com­pa­ny; Ory­zon’s €45M fi­nanc­ing agree­ment; In­Dex scraps PhI­II drug

Syn­cona scoops up Free­line: British life sci­ences in­vestor Syn­cona said Wednes­day it agreed to buy gene ther­a­py mak­er Free­line Ther­a­peu­tics through a new port­fo­lio com­pa­ny. Syn­cona al­ready owns the ma­jor­i­ty of Nas­daq-list­ed Free­line, and it made its ac­qui­si­tion in­ten­tions known last month. — Kyle LaHu­cik

Ory­zon Ge­nomics se­cures €45M in fi­nanc­ing: The com­pa­ny an­nounced Tues­day that it signed a con­vert­ible bond agree­ment with the Swiss in­vest­ment firm Nice & Green for €45 mil­lion, made up of sev­er­al tranch­es of €5 mil­lion each. “In this un­pre­dictable mar­ket sit­u­a­tion, we are ex­cit­ed to have se­cured this fi­nan­cial sup­port,” Ory­zon CEO Car­los Bue­sa said in a news re­lease. Ory­zon ex­pects topline da­ta ear­ly next year for a Phase IIb study of its bor­der­line per­son­al­i­ty dis­or­der treat­ment. — Jaimy Lee

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