Terns scores $80M in Se­ries B fi­nanc­ing led by Vi­vo, Or­biMed

Transpa­cif­ic biotech up­start Terns Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, which is fo­cused on de­vel­op­ing treat­ments for NASH and can­cer, has closed $80 mil­lion in Se­ries B fi­nanc­ing as it pre­pares to shep­herd its lead ex­per­i­men­tal drugs to the clin­ic.

The new round of fi­nanc­ing adds to the $30 mil­lion the com­pa­ny se­cured from Lil­ly Asia Ven­tures that led to an in-li­cens­ing deal with the ven­tures’ par­ent com­pa­ny Eli Lil­ly $LLY in­volv­ing three NASH as­sets this April, in­clud­ing its lead in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al prod­ucts TERN-101 and TERN-201.

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