Stéphane Bancel at the Endpoints #JPM20 breakfast panel in San Francisco, January 2020 (Photo: Jeff Rumans, Endpoints News)

The CHIC in­ter­view: Stéphane Ban­cel on Mod­er­na's overnight trans­for­ma­tion, the new time­line on vac­cine de­vel­op­ment and his one re­gret in 2020

The Chi­na Health­care In­vest­ment Con­fer­ence — bet­ter known as CHIC — took place last week in Shang­hai at the Ritz-Carl­ton Pudong. End­points part­nered with CHIC this year in an ef­fort to high­light the glob­al na­ture of drug de­vel­op­ment, and John Car­roll con­duct­ed two vir­tu­al “fire­side chats” that was broad­cast to at­ten­dees. We’ll be shar­ing both with the End­points Pre­mi­um au­di­ence, and first up is a one-on-one in­ter­view with Mod­er­na’s Stéphane Ban­cel.

John Car­roll has been cov­er­ing Mod­er­na and Ban­cel since the very be­gin­ning. He start­ed their con­ver­sa­tion by not­ing it was the first time he’s tak­en a drug from a com­pa­ny he’s cov­ered from its in­cep­tion. They go on to dis­cuss how Mod­er­na is be­ing trans­formed by cash-flow ear­li­er than ex­pect­ed, Ban­cel’s one big re­gret in 2020, and much more.

Their con­ver­sa­tion is be­low, and we hope you en­joy.

Endpoints News

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