The IPO queue adds 5 more biotechs hop­ing to ring in 2021 by blitz­ing Nas­daq

Fol­low­ing a record year for IPOs — in terms of both pro­ceeds and count — there’s al­ready a long line­up of biotechs ready to jump on­to Nas­daq in the new year. The com­pa­nies are like­ly look­ing for much high­er rais­es than they ini­tial­ly pro­ject­ed on their S-1s. Now it’s time to see if in­vestors are still hun­gry for an­oth­er round of biotech stocks.

Sana helped set the pace ear­ly on, as its founders look to divvy up a for­tune from their IPO. And late last week 5 more biotechs crowd­ed in, look­ing to pick up the pace where 2020 left off. Here they are:

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