Hal Barron, GSK's president of R&D and CSO, speaks to Endpoints News founder and editor John Carroll in London at Endpoints' #UKBIO19 summit on October 8, 2019

[Video] Cel­e­brat­ing tri­al fail­ures, chang­ing the cul­ture and al­ly­ing with Cal­i­for­nia dream­ers: R&D chief Hal Bar­ron talks about a new era at GSK

Last week I had a chance to sit down with Hal Bar­ron at End­points’ #UK­BIO19 sum­mit to dis­cuss his views on R&D at GSK, a top­ic that has been cen­tral to his life since he took the top re­search post close to 2 years ago. Dur­ing the con­ver­sa­tion, Bar­ron talked about chang­ing the cul­ture at GSK, a move that in­volves sev­er­al new ap­proach­es — one of which in­volves cel­e­brat­ing their set­backs as they shift re­sources to the most promis­ing pro­grams in the pipeline. Bar­ron al­so dis­cussed his new al­liances in the Bay Area — in­clud­ing his col­lab­o­ra­tion pact with Lyell, which we cov­ered here — frankly as­sess­es the plus­es and mi­nus­es of the UK drug de­vel­op­ment scene, and talks about his plans for mak­ing GSK a much more ef­fec­tive drug de­vel­op­er.

This is one dis­cus­sion you won’t want to miss. In­sid­er and En­ter­prise sub­scribers can log-in to watch the video.

Endpoints News

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