Vivek Ra­maswamy launch­es yet an­oth­er Vant, this time in Asia with a TCR-fo­cused Medi­gene part­ner­ship

Vivek Ra­maswamy’s com­pa­ny-churn­ing shop Roivant is op­er­at­ing at full steam. Af­ter un­veil­ing Chi­nese bio­phar­ma up­start Sino­vant last year, the two en­ti­ties on Thurs­day de­buted a fresh cell ther­a­py com­pa­ny — Cy­to­vant Sci­ences — ded­i­cat­ed to the Asian mar­ket, armed with a part­ner­ship with Ger­many’s im­munother­a­py-fo­cused Medi­gene.

Un­der the deal, Medi­gene has grant­ed Cy­to­vant ex­clu­sive li­cens­es to de­vel­op, man­u­fac­ture, and com­mer­cial­ize Medi­gene’s re­search-stage T cell im­munother­a­py tar­get­ing New York esophageal squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma (NY-ESO-1 ) — a well-known can­cer-testis anti­gen ex­pressed by var­i­ous can­cers — as well as a den­drit­ic cell vac­cine tar­get­ing leukemia-as­so­ci­at­ed anti­gens — WT-1 and PRAME —in Greater Chi­na, South Ko­rea, and Japan. Cy­to­vant and Medi­gene will al­so dis­cov­er and col­lab­o­rate on T-cell re­cep­tor (TCR) im­munother­a­pies for two ad­di­tion­al tar­gets, tai­lored specif­i­cal­ly to Asian pa­tients.

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