Where the money is: Top 100 VCs investing in US biotechs during 2017
It was a big year for US biotechs raising cash from VCs, with flush investors sinking a record-breaking $10.5 billion into new and growing companies during 2017. Who’s deploying the dollars, and where’s the money coming from? We put together a fresh list of the top 100 VC firms investing in US biotechs, and the data might surprise you.
We did this list in 2016 looking at 2015 data, and it was one of our most popular reports of the year. We checked back in, and what we found looked quite different than our 2015 report.
While there’s a lot of repeat players, we’re also seeing an interesting shift in where big money is coming from. Back in 2015, four of the top five VCs were based in Boston/Cambridge. This year, three out of the top five VCs were based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Only one was from Massachusetts.
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