Who are the women blaz­ing trails in bio­phar­ma R&D? Nom­i­nate them for End­points' spe­cial re­port

Gen­der im­bal­ance in the av­er­age cor­po­rate board­room is en­dem­ic, and the bio­phar­ma world is no ex­cep­tion. Da­ta sug­gest women are woe­ful­ly un­der­rep­re­sent­ed in lead­er­ship roles, hold­ing just 20% of these seats at bio­phar­ma firms.

Last year, when we asked the End­points 100 — the group of biotech ex­ecs we re­ly on to mea­sure in­dus­try-wide sen­ti­ments in a se­mi-an­nu­al sur­vey — how the in­dus­try was per­form­ing on gen­der di­ver­si­ty, there was a con­sen­sus that it could do bet­ter. One way to do this, is to en­cour­age and cel­e­brate the women who have climbed the lad­der, de­spite the odds.

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