With $1.4B bet rid­ing on their de­ci­sion, myelofi­bro­sis drug left for dead by Sanofi hits FDA's in­side track to a block­buster come­back

In just 6 months, we’ll know if fe­dra­tinib has com­plet­ed one of the most dra­mat­ic turn­arounds in bio­phar­ma R&D his­to­ry and will soon get ush­ered in­to the big mar­ket for myelofi­bro­sis.

Left for dead at Sanofi in a set­back that helped tor­pe­do its on­col­o­gy ef­fort — and ul­ti­mate­ly CEO Chris Viehbach­er’s big phar­ma ca­reer — 5 years ago, co-in­ven­tor John Hood left Sa­mumed with a rough plan to re­vive its for­tunes. Backed by Medicxi’s Kevin John­son, he was able to gain rights to the drug, large­ly paid for with eq­ui­ty, and then months lat­er hand­ed it over to Cel­gene for $1.1 bil­lion in cash and about $6 bil­lion in mile­stones — in­clud­ing $1.4 bil­lion for reg­u­la­to­ry ap­provals. The rest is for com­mer­cial goals.

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