Chris Collins (AP IMAGES)

'Y­ou be­trayed that du­ty': For­mer con­gress­man Chris Collins sen­tenced to 26 months in jail for in­sid­er trad­ing

The biotech in­sid­er trad­ing scan­dal that forced Chris Collins to first drop his re-elec­tion cam­paign and ul­ti­mate­ly re­sign as con­gress­man is now land­ing him in prison for 26 months.

Collins — who had plead­ed guilty to pass­ing con­fi­den­tial in­for­ma­tion about In­nate Im­munother­a­peu­tics to his son as well as ly­ing to the FBI about it — re­port­ed­ly apol­o­gized to his fam­i­ly and con­stituents af­ter the sen­tence was hand­ed down.

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