Ab­b­Vie grabs SHP2 in­hibitors from Chi­na's Ja­co­bio; Chi-Med set on US fil­ing of su­r­u­fa­tinib

Ab­b­Vie has found its next tar­get­ed can­cer ther­a­py in Chi­na, li­cens­ing a suite of SHP2 in­hibitors from Bei­jing-based Ja­co­bio. A key node on the RAS/MAP ki­nase path­way, SHP2 helps dri­ve ab­nor­mal cell growth and plays a role in cy­tokine pro­duc­tion as well as im­mune cell re­sponse — which gives two good rea­sons to block it. Ja­co­bio has so far de­vel­oped two ear­ly-stage oral small mol­e­cule can­di­dates, and they will com­plete ear­ly clin­i­cal tri­als on Ab­b­Vie’s tab be­fore hand­ing off to the phar­ma gi­ant.

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