Ac­celeron poach­es ex-Abl­ynx CMO Robert Zeldin; Deb­o­rah Dun­sire leaves for Lund­beck­'s top job af­ter XTu­it im­plo­sion

→ Af­ter bounc­ing around the high-risk biotech world in Boston/Cam­bridge for the past few years, ex-Mil­len­ni­um chief Deb­o­rah Dun­sire is now tak­ing the top seat at Den­mark’s Lund­beck, left va­cant af­ter Kåre Schultz jumped to Te­va. A high-pro­file ex­ec in the US, Dun­sire left Mil­len­ni­um as Take­da ab­sorbed and re­struc­tured the com­pa­ny, mak­ing it a cen­tral part of their US hub. She lat­er took the helm at Fo­rum Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, leav­ing not long af­ter the com­pa­ny was hit by a clin­i­cal hold on Alzheimer’s and a failed clin­i­cal pro­gram in schiz­o­phre­nia. Her next stop, XTu­it, was a com­bi­na­tion can­cer/fi­bro­sis com­pa­ny that has now fall­en off the map, with most of its se­nior staffers mi­grat­ing to new po­si­tions, the web­site down and the voice mail full, with no vis­i­ble signs of ac­tiv­i­ty. Dun­sire’s com­pa­ny email ad­dress is de­funct. Lund­beck, though, of­fers Dun­sire a chance to take a new, high-pro­file po­si­tion in the bio­phar­ma world — the kind in­volv­ing a vi­able com­pa­ny with rev­enue. Lund­beck Chair­man Lars Ras­mussen told Reuters that Dun­sire’s biggest re­spon­si­bil­i­ty will be in R&D, which is where she’s had the least suc­cess. As for Dun­sire, she’s look­ing to grow the pipeline, which may mean some new deals on the hori­zon.

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