Alzheimer’s R&D projects side­lined as Bio­gen’s ad­u­canum­ab shock shakes re­searchers to the core of their be­liefs

As Bio­gen works through the fall­out from the stun­ning im­plo­sion of its ad­u­canum­ab Phase III — and its part­ners at Ei­sai bus­tle ahead with BAN2401 and their BACE pro­gram — the shock waves have clear­ly rip­pled to the far cor­ners of the Alzheimer’s field. Falling on top of land­mark fail­ures for Phase III BACE stud­ies at Mer­ck and Eli Lil­ly/As­traZeneca, some of the play­ers in Alzheimer’s have al­ready be­gun to fac­tor in the ad­u­canum­ab fail­ure on symp­to­matic pa­tients in mak­ing a go/no go de­ci­sion.

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