Am­gen en­ters weight loss mar­ket with drug that shows 14.5% weight re­duc­tion

Ear­ly da­ta of Am­gen’s weight loss drug Mar­i­Tide showed com­pa­ra­ble weight loss to pop­u­lar drugs on the mar­ket and in de­vel­op­ment, with pa­tients on the high­est dose los­ing an av­er­age of 14.5% of their weight over 85 days.

Am­gen test­ed its mol­e­cule in 133 obese but non­di­a­bet­ic pa­tients in a Phase I study, pub­lished Mon­day in Na­ture Me­tab­o­lism. The bis­pe­cif­ic mol­e­cule, which is made by con­ju­gat­ing a mon­o­clon­al an­ti-hu­man GIPR an­tag­o­nist an­ti­body to two GLP-1 ana­log ag­o­nist pep­tides, al­so showed a safe­ty pro­file sim­i­lar to GLP-1s. The most com­mon ad­verse events were most­ly mild cas­es of nau­sea and vom­it­ing and re­solved af­ter two days.

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