Randal Kirk, Intrexon

Biotech bil­lion­aire spends $88M to re­or­ga­nize his long-suf­fer­ing bio­engi­neer­ing busi­ness­es, hands off CEO role

Biotech bil­lion­aire Ran­dal Kirk is look­ing for a fresh start with the new year.

He has whipped up the lat­est — and most com­pre­hen­sive — in a se­ries of re­or­ga­ni­za­tions for his mul­ti­ple bio­engi­neer­ing ven­tures at In­trex­on, tak­ing a long-de­layed step to the ex­ec­u­tive chair­man’s role, re­nam­ing the com­pa­ny and pro­mot­ing a top ex­ec to the CEO’s role.

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