By the num­bers: Top M&A deals, VC in­vest­ments and pacts point to a grow­ing hunger for gene ther­a­py deals

Big Phar­ma has dis­cov­ered gene ther­a­pies, and the new-found love af­fair shows signs of grow­ing hot.

In just a lit­tle over a year now, Sanofi, No­var­tis and Roche have all weighed in with multi­bil­lion-dol­lar gene ther­a­py M&A deals, buy­ing up some of the pi­o­neers in the field. And all of the gene ther­a­py buy­outs in the $100 mil­lion-plus cat­e­go­ry — in­clud­ing the new $4.3 bil­lion buy­out by Roche to­day, which reg­is­ters as the third largest ac­qui­si­tion in the sec­tor — have oc­curred in the past 5 years in this up-and-com­ing field, ac­cord­ing to the num­bers ex­tract­ed by Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar at Deal­For­ma.

Pull back and look at the top 25 R&D and com­mer­cial­iza­tion pacts tracked at Deal­For­ma — a list that long­time ob­servers will quick­ly note in­cludes sev­er­al gene edit­ing pacts — and you’ll find more big play­ers like Ab­b­Vie, J&J and Bris­tol-My­ers Squibb.

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Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA