Eiger Bio scraps a mid-stage pro­gram af­ter re­searchers record a clear flop in PAH, shares skid low­er

Eiger Bio­Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals $EIGR is scrap­ping one of its mid-stage pro­grams for pul­monary ar­te­r­i­al hy­per­ten­sion af­ter their Phase II tri­al for uben­imex failed on sev­er­al key fronts.

Re­searchers for Pa­lo Al­to, CA-based Eiger con­clud­ed that there was “no im­prove­ment over­all or in key sub­groups for both the pri­ma­ry ef­fi­ca­cy end­point of pul­monary vas­cu­lar re­sis­tance and the sec­ondary end­point of 6-minute walk dis­tance.” And now they’ll take a sec­ond look at the bio­mark­ers while the com­pa­ny moves on with the rest of the pro­grams they have in their rare dis­ease pipeline.

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