Jason Campagna, Q32 Bio CMO (file photo)

Ex­clu­sive: For­mer In­ter­cept CMO lands new gig at Q32 Bio, two weeks af­ter leav­ing the NASH biotech

Just two weeks ago, In­ter­cept CMO Ja­son Cam­pagna fol­lowed the biotech’s found­ing CEO out the door to pur­sue oth­er op­por­tu­ni­ties, per an SEC fil­ing, as an­a­lysts sense a ma­jor shift tak­ing place at the com­pa­ny. Now, that new op­por­tu­ni­ty has come to light.

Cam­pagna is tak­ing the same CMO po­si­tion at Q32 Bio, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Tues­day morn­ing, join­ing CEO Mike Brox­son’s team in Cam­bridge, MA as they ex­plore the next gen­er­a­tion of com­ple­ment drugs. The move comes af­ter Q32 pulled in two fundrais­ing rounds in 2020 to­tal­ing more than $100 mil­lion and as the biotech is in IND-en­abling stud­ies for its lead pro­gram, dubbed ADX-097.

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