Gene ther­a­pies seize the top of the list of the most ex­pen­sive drugs on the plan­et — and that trend has just be­gun

Any­one look­ing for a few sim­ple rea­sons why the gene ther­a­py field has caught fire with the phar­ma gi­ants need on­ly look at the new list of the 10 most ex­pen­sive ther­a­pies from GoodRx.

Two re­cent­ly ap­proved gene ther­a­pies sit atop this list, with No­var­tis’ Zol­gens­ma crowned the king of the prici­est drugs at $2.1 mil­lion. Right be­low is Lux­tur­na, the $850,000 pi­o­neer from Spark, which Roche is push­ing hard to ac­quire as it adds a gene ther­a­py group to the glob­al mix.

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