AACR: Lit­tle Apex­i­gen steals the show with their CD40/Op­di­vo cock­tail as AACR gets un­der­way

Now that the pi­o­neer PD-1 check­points have hit the mar­ket and start­ed earn­ing their bil­lions, re­searchers in on­col­o­gy are fo­cused on the next big thing in can­cer R&D: us­ing new com­bi­na­tions to reach tu­mors that re­main stub­born­ly re­sis­tant to ap­proved ther­a­pies.

To that end, you can count Apex­i­gen as the ear­ly win­ner in the AACR meet­ing in At­lanta.

A group of in­ves­ti­ga­tors or­ga­nized by The Park­er In­sti­tute for Can­cer Im­munother­a­py in part­ner­ship with the Can­cer Re­search In­sti­tute con­duct­ed an ear­ly-stage clin­i­cal tri­al that com­bined a pair of chemother­a­pies with Apex­i­gen’s CD40 drug APX005M, with or with­out Bris­tol-My­ers Squibb’s Op­di­vo. In the first part of the Phase I tri­al for ad­vanced pan­cre­at­ic can­cer, they want­ed to see how CD40 — de­signed to spur an im­mune at­tack — worked with a PD-1, which is de­signed to take the brakes off an im­mune sys­tem at­tack.

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