Make that 2 prospec­tive block­buster ap­provals in 1 day for No­var­tis as FDA OKs tar­get­ed can­cer ther­a­py

May 24 is go­ing to go down as a big day in No­var­tis’ 2019 high­light reel.

Not on­ly did the FDA stamp an OK on the prospec­tive gene ther­a­py block­buster Zol­gens­ma, with a record-set­ting $2.1 mil­lion price tag, reg­u­la­tors al­so green-light­ed alpelis­ib, one of their oth­er top block­buster can­di­dates of the year.

These are 2 of the slate of 4 block­busters the phar­ma gi­ant $NVS high­light­ed for a com­mer­cial roll­out this year. And it’s the third big ap­proval this year, be­hind the MS drug Mayzent, mak­ing 2019 a wa­ter­shed year for the com­pa­ny and new CEO Vas Narasimhan.

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