Mer­ck KGaA draws the cur­tain on newest lipid nanopar­ti­cle for mR­NA vac­cines, tur­bocharg­ing its an­nu­al ca­pac­i­ty

With the mir­a­cle of mR­NA vac­cines turn­ing the tide on the pan­dem­ic, the spot­light has shift­ed to tiny en­gi­neered fat bub­bles, dubbed lipid nanopar­ti­cles, that shut­tle those drugs in­to pa­tients’ im­mune cells. Ger­many’s Mer­ck KGaA, look­ing to cor­ner de­mand for the much-in-need de­liv­ery tool is now rolling out a high­er-ef­fi­cien­cy ver­sion months ahead of sched­ule.

Mer­ck KGaA on Wednes­day un­veiled a new syn­thet­ic cho­les­terol prod­uct for launch, which it said will in­crease ca­pac­i­ty for its lipid de­liv­ery tools by 50 times, ac­cord­ing to a re­lease.

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