Stéphane Bancel, CEO, Moderna. (via YouTube)

Mod­er­na CEO Ban­cel of­fers a thumbs-up on lat­est up­date for their CMV pro­gram — with block­buster hopes for what's ahead

Mod­er­na is rolling out a pos­i­tive up­date to their proof-of-con­cept study for their mR­NA pro­gram for a CMV vac­cine — and CEO Stéphane Ban­cel is hap­py to dis­cuss what he sees as a po­ten­tial com­pa­ny-build­ing block­buster in the mak­ing.

Fol­low­ing a third vac­ci­na­tion re­searchers tracked an in­creas­ing lev­el of neu­tral­iz­ing an­ti­body titers, which is ex­act­ly what they want­ed to see.

They $MR­NA re­port:

Neu­tral­iz­ing an­ti­body titers against ep­ithe­lial cell in­fec­tion were greater than 10-fold high­er than CMV-seropos­i­tive base­line titers at the 90 and 180 μg dose lev­els af­ter the third vac­cine, com­pared to 3-fold to 5-fold high­er af­ter the sec­ond vac­ci­na­tion.

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