CEO Marco Taglietti (Scynexis)

'N­ev­er been more ur­gent:' Scynex­is looks to tack­le su­per­bug cri­sis with late-stage read­out for an­ti­fun­gal hope­ful

As the su­per­bug cri­sis heats up around the world, Scynex­is says it has new da­ta from two in­ter­im analy­ses that prove its an­ti­fun­gal has the po­ten­tial to treat a broad range of in­fec­tions.

“The need for new an­ti-in­fec­tives ca­pa­ble of fight­ing the most re­sis­tant pathogens has nev­er been more ur­gent as we con­front the on­go­ing COVID-19 glob­al pan­dem­ic,” CEO Mar­co Tagli­et­ti said in a state­ment.

The in­ter­im re­sults come from two open-la­bel Phase III tri­als for oral ibrex­a­fungerp, dubbed FU­RI and CARES. In the FU­RI tri­al, the triter­penoid was giv­en to pa­tients with dif­fi­cult-to-treat mu­co­cu­ta­neous and in­va­sive fun­gal in­fec­tions that are re­sis­tant to or in­tol­er­ant of cur­rent stan­dards of care, or who re­quire a non-azole oral step-down ther­a­py for the treat­ment of azole-re­sis­tant species. In the lat­est ef­fi­ca­cy analy­sis, a da­ta re­view com­mit­tee ob­served “clin­i­cal ben­e­fit” in 30 of the 33 pa­tients in a third co­hort of pa­tients, and no dis­ease pro­gres­sion, ac­cord­ing to Scynex­is.

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