No­var­tis is eye­ing a multi­bil­lion-dol­lar Med­Co buy­out as Jer­sey biotech nears NDA — re­ports

To get from No­var­tis’ US head­quar­ters to the Med­i­cines Com­pa­ny, you make a left out of a square con­crete build­ing on NJ-Route 10, fol­low it past the sun or­ange ve­ran­da of Jer­sey’s Hot Bagels and the in­ex­plic­a­ble green Ver­mont cab­in that hous­es the Whip­pa­ny Rail­way Mu­se­um un­til you turn right and im­me­di­ate­ly ar­rive at a rec­tan­gu­lar glass build­ing. It should take you about 12 min­utes.

Re­ports are out that No­var­tis may be mak­ing that trip. Amid a tor­rent of Phase III da­ta bur­nish­ing Med­Co’s chances at a block­buster cho­les­terol drug,  Bloomberg News is re­port­ing that No­var­tis is look­ing to ac­quire the Jer­sey-based biotech.

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