Plot­ting to go toe-to-toe with heavy­weight Pfiz­er, lit­tle Ei­dos plans quick score in PhI­II AT­TR-CM study

So how does a small cap biotech go toe-to-toe with the likes of Pfiz­er, when the phar­ma gi­ant is lin­ing up for one of the most care­ful­ly watched FDA de­ci­sions in bio­phar­ma?

Ei­dos Ther­a­peu­tics $EI­DX thinks it has the an­swer as they play David to Pfiz­er’s Go­liath.

The biotech to­day out­lined its piv­otal strat­e­gy for AG10, an oral small mol­e­cule de­signed to treat transthyretin amy­loid car­diomy­opa­thy, AT­TR-CM. Work­ing with the FDA, the biotech came up with a Phase III tri­al de­sign that the ex­ecs in charge say gives them two po­ten­tial piv­otal dead­lines. The first ar­rives af­ter 12 months of treat­ment, as pa­tients are giv­en a 6-minute walk test. The next comes af­ter 30 months, as re­searchers eval­u­ate pa­tient da­ta on all-cause mor­tal­i­ty and fre­quen­cy of car­dio­vas­cu­lar-re­lat­ed hos­pi­tal­iza­tions.

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