Rare rheuma­tol­ogy dis­ease in spot­light af­ter Sanofi, Re­gen­eron nab first drug ap­proval, more in pipeline po­ten­tials

Polymyal­gia rheumat­i­ca (PMR) is a rare con­di­tion in old­er adults, most of­ten women, that caus­es wide­spread mus­cle and joint pain. It’s dif­fi­cult to di­ag­nose — some­times con­fused with rheuma­toid arthri­tis (RA), lu­pus or fi­bromyal­gia — and un­til re­cent­ly didn’t have an ap­proved treat­ment.

That changed when Sanofi and Re­gen­eron’s an­ti IL-6 re­cep­tor drug Kevzara (sar­ilum­ab) earned FDA ap­proval in Feb­ru­ary as a PMR treat­ment af­ter cor­ti­cos­teroids fail. It’s al­ready ap­proved for mod­er­ate to se­vere RA af­ter at least one oth­er dis­ease-mod­i­fy­ing ther­a­py fails to work.

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