Take­da shares pos­i­tive Phase II­Ib da­ta; NIA grant for Phase II study on new oral Alzheimer's treat­ment

Take­da says its VAR­SI­TY, Phase II­Ib study “demon­strat­ed that the gut-se­lec­tive bi­o­log­ic vedolizum­ab (En­tyvio) was su­pe­ri­or to the an­ti-tu­mor necro­sis fac­tor-al­pha (an­ti-TN­Fα) bi­o­log­ic adal­i­mum­ab (Hu­mi­ra) in achiev­ing clin­i­cal re­mis­sion at week 52 in pa­tients with mod­er­ate­ly to se­vere­ly ac­tive ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis. New ex­plorato­ry da­ta showed that a greater pro­por­tion of pa­tients re­ceiv­ing vedolizum­ab in­tra­venous (IV) achieved clin­i­cal re­sponse at week 14 com­pared to those treat­ed with adal­i­mum­ab sub­cu­ta­neous (SC), 67.1% vs. 45.9% re­spec­tive­ly. A sep­a­ra­tion be­tween the treat­ment groups was seen as ear­ly as week 6, fa­vor­ing vedolizum­ab.”

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