The top 10 most pop­u­lar End­points News pieces of 2019 — go­ing vi­ral is a whole new game in bio­phar­ma now

Af­ter watch­ing the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try news flow for the past 17 years, I’ve seen the steady stream of hap­pen­ings turn in­to a riv­er and a swollen flood over 2019. What used to be a waist-deep wad­ing area is now a drown­ing pool. And what emerges as the most pop­u­lar pieces of the year helps il­lus­trate that trend per­fect­ly.

In a bio­phar­ma world where the dra­ma has height­ened as in­vest­ments grew over the years, the events that at­tract the most at­ten­tion are typ­i­cal­ly stand­outs.

Endpoints News

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