Track­ing a suc­cess­ful DL­B­CL as­sault in Phase II, Mor­phoSys sets out to seize quick OK for MOR208

En­cour­aged by a break­through des­ig­na­tion at the FDA and its lat­est batch of up­beat da­ta from a Phase II study of its an­ti-CD19 an­ti­body MOR208, Mor­phoSys says it’s blaz­ing a straight path to reg­u­la­tors in search of an ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval.

Mor­phoSys ex­ecs spent a good deal of time talk­ing to an­a­lysts yes­ter­day about their rea­sons for shoot­ing at a quick OK. The Ger­man biotech high­light­ed up­dat­ed da­ta demon­strat­ing that of the 68 evalu­able pa­tients in their study for dif­fuse large B cell lym­phoma — a pop­u­lar dis­ease tar­get in on­col­o­gy — they tracked a 49% over­all re­sponse rate and a 31% com­plete re­sponse rate.

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