With prof­its lag­ging, Em­ma Walm­s­ley, Big Phar­ma's on­ly woman CEO, may once again be its low­est paid

Feb­ru­ary’s earn­ings weren’t kind to Glax­o­SmithK­line. Not on­ly had the UK drug­mak­er’s sales dropped amid the pan­dem­ic, but their years-long R&D piv­ot was go­ing through a slog. They an­nounced a se­ries of sig­nif­i­cant set­backs lead­ing up to earn­ings and then a hand­ful of small­er ones in the earn­ings it­self.

Those strug­gles have now tak­en an (ad­mit­ted­ly mod­est) toll on their CEO, Em­ma Walm­s­ley. GSK re­vealed in its an­nu­al re­port that her an­nu­al pay, most of which is tied up in stock, had fall­en, from around $10.85 mil­lion in 2019 to $9.7 mil­lion in 2020.

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