Head­ed to San Fran­cis­co? Here’s how you can cus­tomize your ex­pe­ri­ence at #JPM24 with End­points News

Bioreg­num Opin­ion Col­umn by John Car­roll

A lot of biotechs turned to sur­vival mode back in the sum­mer of 2022, and it’s clear from our re­cent sur­veys and pan­el dis­cus­sions that the cau­tion will spill right in­to next year.

That said, there’s al­so a fun­da­men­tal be­lief that the sci­ence be­hind new drug de­vel­op­ment and the goals biotech ex­ecs set for them­selves re­main more am­bi­tious than at any time I’ve ob­served the in­dus­try over the past 21 years. It’s a time to reaf­firm the fun­da­men­tals and show in­vestors the da­ta.

Slow­ly and grad­u­al­ly, the in­dus­try can start re­turn­ing to a more nor­mal mix of M&A, fol­low-ons and IPOs, much though the FTC seems de­ter­mined to throw a mon­key wrench in­to the ma­chine.

Their tim­ing on scut­tling the Sanofi/Maze deal was im­pec­ca­bly aw­ful. Could there be a worse mo­ment to raise a ques­tion mark over biotech’s role in de­vel­op­ing next-gen drugs that al­most al­ways end up in the hands of the Big Phar­ma brethren that steer the big mar­ket­ing groups?

The im­pli­ca­tions will be de­bat­ed for months to come as 2024 un­folds. And End­points News will have a role in shap­ing the dis­cus­sion in San Fran­cis­co ear­ly in Jan­u­ary.

I’m invit­ing you to be a part of that.

Every year, we up the ante quite a bit at JP Mor­gan. Back at the be­gin­ning for End­points, Ar­salan Arif and I were hap­py to pull off a break­fast. This year, with a big boost from Drew Arm­strong and a much-ex­pand­ed ed­i­to­r­i­al team, we have 18 sep­a­rate events spread out over two days at the Mar­riott Mar­quis.

Now, we’d love it if you planned to make the Mar­riott Mar­quis your head­quar­ters for the first two days of JP­Mor­gan. We’ve got lots of space, in­clud­ing plen­ty of room for you to work out of. At the same time, there’s lots go­ing on (here’s a link to the full agen­da), and you’ll like­ly want to pick and choose your events and times. So, here are three links de­signed for you to ei­ther go all in or cus­tomize your sched­ule and re­duce your costs.

The dis­cus­sions we have planned cen­ter on the fu­ture of drug de­vel­op­ment, the biggest is­sues con­fronting biotech in 2024 and round­ta­bles that get to the gist of lead­ing a biotech dur­ing a long, cold spell on Wall Street — and in Wash­ing­ton DC.

Drew re­cent­ly penned a de­tailed de­scrip­tion of what we have planned. I’m go­ing to let him take it away:

I’ve spent the last month+ work­ing with our team End­points News to lock in our #JPM2024 agen­da, and whoooooa boy is it gonna be good. Here are some high­lights:

🔬 Pfiz­er’s Mikael Dol­sten and Mer­ck’s Eli­av Barr will talk about the fu­ture of R&D with John Car­roll and me.

💊 Wal­greens’ new CEO Tim Went­worth + Ly­dia Ram­sey Pflanz­er will dis­cuss where the phar­ma­cy com­pa­ny is go­ing next.

🏅 No­bel Prize win­ner Car­olyn Bertozzi will sit down with Nicole De­Feud­is + John Car­roll to talk about her re­search, ca­reer and much more.

😰 Biotech Down­turn Sur­vival School with Ap­pia Bio’s Jeen­Joo (JJ) S KangOr­biMed’s Carl Gor­don and Alkeus Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ Joshua Boger.

🤝 A one-on-one the banker be­hind pret­ty much every phar­ma deal of the year, Cen­ter­view Part­ners’ E. Er­ic Tokat.

👀 Con­ver­sa­tions with Gilead Sci­ences CMO Mer­dad Parsey, Vir Biotech­nol­o­gy CEO Mar­i­anne De Backer, As­traZeneca CFO Arad­hana Sarin, Catal­ent Phar­ma So­lu­tions CEO Alessan­dro Masel­li, Flag­ship founder Noubar Afeyan.

🎯 The ac­tivists are here! An­drew Dunn will sit down with El­liott In­vest­ment Man­age­ment’s Marc Stein­berg.

If you have any ques­tions, let us know.

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