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Who are the women mak­ing a mark in bio­phar­ma R&D? Nom­i­nate them for End­points’ 2024 spe­cial re­port

It’s one of our fa­vorite times of the year: You can now nom­i­nate some­one to be spot­light­ed in End­points News’ an­nu­al Women in Bio­phar­ma R&D spe­cial re­port.

Last year, we passed the 100 mark on the num­ber of women we have hon­ored. They have changed the game in bio­phar­ma R&D in unique ways, whether ex­plor­ing new us­es for mR­NA tech­nol­o­gy, push­ing the bound­aries of im­muno-on­col­o­gy, or ad­vo­cat­ing for rare dis­ease pa­tients.

Even though the most re­cent da­ta sug­gest women are still un­der­rep­re­sent­ed in the up­per ranks of bio­phar­ma, the im­pe­tus for change ap­pears to be grow­ing. We are heart­ened and in­spired by the net­works and groups that have formed over the past few years, where women lead­ers ex­change ad­vice and pull each oth­er up.

For the sixth edi­tion of our spe­cial re­port, we con­tin­ue to look for big thinkers, sci­en­tists, ex­ec­u­tives and oth­er en­ter­pris­ing women who are break­ing bar­ri­ers in drug de­vel­op­ment and in­spir­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of lead­ers.

To nom­i­nate some­one, fill out this form by the end of Ju­ly 1. Nom­i­na­tions must be sub­mit­ted via this form, and mul­ti­ple sub­mis­sions for the same per­son do not in­crease the chances of be­ing se­lect­ed as a fi­nal­ist. Please make the nom­i­na­tions per­son­al and please make no self-nom­i­na­tions. Fi­nal­ists will be no­ti­fied in Au­gust, and stay tuned for the re­port in Oc­to­ber!

For a list of all the won­der­ful women we have al­ready fea­tured in pre­vi­ous years, fol­low the links to our re­ports from 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Got ques­tions? Reach out to us di­rect­ly at am­ber@end­ or nicole@end­ (How­ev­er, please note that email nom­i­na­tions will not be con­sid­ered.)

Global Head of Marketing


Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland